Enrichment Activities

These are some of the enrichment activities offered at St. Theresa. Click on the name of the club to sign up.

Club Decription Cost
ABSi Spanish

PreK-4th Grade
Tuesdays, 3:00-4:00pm, Sep 24 - Oct 29 (6 weeks, no class on No School days)

ABSí is an Interactive Spanish Program that teaches students basic vocabulary and common phrases through hands on activities that involve art, movement, music and more! In this six-week session, students will reinforce the Spanish that is taught in school and will learn Brazil’s geographical and cultural information.


Cub Scouts

Kindergarten Boys & Girls - Lion Scouts 1st Grade Boys & Girls - Tiger Scouts 3rd Grade Boys & Girls - Bear Scouts
2nd Grade Boys & Girls - Wolf Scouts
4th & 5th Grade Boys & Girls - Webelos/Arrow of Light Scouts
Pack Meetings: Every 2nd, 3rd and 4th Tuesday, 6:00-7:15pm in the John Paul Room/Gymnasium at St. Theresa's Church (unless otherwise noted Otherwise)

Questions? Contact Cubmaster Mike Kalil at 602-295-7138 or kalilmichael@hotmail.com.

Boy Scouts

For boys and girls ages 11-17

Our programs focus on character development, leadership & outdoor exploration providing a lifetime of benefits! Are you ready to have some fun, learn new skills, and make lifelong friends? Come join Troop 147.

Bricks 4 Kidz

All ages, grades, and skill levels welcome!
Fridays, 1:00-2:00pm, Jan 17 - Feb 28 (7 weeks, no class on No School days)

Bricks 4 Kidz provides a stimulating atmosphere for young minds to build unique, motorized creations all while having loads of fun using LEGO bricks. Our program explores architecture, engineering, technology, science, math (STEM) and history concepts to spark imagination and build self-confidence. Students can participate in multi-week sessions focused on exciting themes including Inventions, Space and Transportation, just to name a few! Each session has a new theme and models.

Chess Club All ages, grades, and skill levels welcome!
Wednesdays, January 29 - April 9, 3:05 PM - 4:05 PM
Books & Cooks Cooking Class

For Preschool
10 sessions on Wednesdays, 3:00-4:00pm

Welcome to Books n’ Cooks cooking classes! We are very excited to spend the next 10 weeks with your little chef; we have lots of fun cooking planned. Our program offers hands on learning through the process of cooking. Student chefs get to wear the whites and take the spatula in the kitchen. weekly lessons are based on a food related children's story book. We read together and have a fun filled cooking lesson.

Golf Squad

For Grades K-8
Fridays, 12:45-1:45pm, Nov 8 - Dec 20

Golf Squad It is a six to twelve week, golf club that meets once a week for an hour with a golf industry professional. All participating families receive weekly emails detailing what students will be doing and learning that week in class. The golf pro on staff will supervise lunch at the green picnic tables before the lessons begins.

Homework Club

For Grades 1-8
Mondays and Wednesdays, 3:00-3:45pm, beginning the week of Oct 14

  • Rates: $15/day for a 6:1 ratio or $22/day for a 4:1 ratio. 
  • Parents need to complete the Registration Form and DocuSign to receive services
  • Parents will receive daily emailed notes from instructors explaining exactly what was worked on during the time with Sophos Homework Club
  • Parents would be invoiced weekly for services utilized.



For Grades 2-8

Spring Date TBD

National Junior Honor Society Peer Tutoring

What: NJHS Students (7th & 8th Grade) offer tutoring to fellow STCS 1st-8th grade students! 
When: Thursdays after school, 3:00-3:45pm (starting Thu, Nov 7)
Where: Mrs. Munoz Room (Room 15)
Cost: $15 for the rest of 1st semester
How: Please fill out the Google Form (ONE FORM PER CHILD). 
Once we have received your Google Form submission, we will charge the parent $15 via FACTS. You will receive confirmation once payment has been submitted.
*Student is not officially registered without having submitted payment!

Soccer Shots

Soccer Shots is the most trusted and engaging children’s soccer program for ages 3 to 5. Join the best coaches in the business on Soccer Island for age-appropriate soccer skills, character-building, and FUN!

Day of the Week: Fridays
No Session Dates: March 7, April 18, April 25
Sessions: 16
Season: Spring 2025 Group: Children grouped by classroom and age

Step on Stage

For Preschool, Thursdays, 3:00-3:45pm, January 16- March 27
Kinder & 1st
, Tuesdays, 3:00-3:45pm, January 14- March 25

I am hoping to do the performances on Saturday, March 29th at 1:00pm and 3:00pm in the gym. This is the same weekend as the school musical which means the stage and seating will be set up. Please let me know your thoughts on this.

St. Theresa Little Flower Girls Club

For Kindergarten - Grade 4

Little Flowers Girls' Club is a fun, faith and friendship-filled Catholic club for young girls. The club strives to bring out the virtuous "flower" in each girl while working towards earning badges for their vests.

Volunteers needed! Is your daughter in 6-8th grades? We need helpers to be present at meetings to assist the Little Flowers.
